GHG Emission Reduction (Reducing Carbon Footprint)
At MMK, we concern about the importance of environment and the impact of climate change.
We are committed to practicing the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions throughout our manufacturing processes, which also aligns with Thailand's national climate goals.
- Reducing 20% of CO2 emissions by 2030
- Net-zero CO2 emissions in 2050

Circular Economy Initiatives
Circular economy aims to minimize waste and promotes a sustainable use of natural resources.
We do 3R activities to comply with the circular economy approaches.
3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle)
- Reduce: - Reducing the usage of electricity and water to save energy and reduce global warming
- Reuse: - Reusing the used materials to reduce the amount of waste and reusing treated water
- Recycle: - Initiating projects to separate recycled waste instead of landfilling
Green Energy
Green energy is generated from natural resources, such as sunlight, wind or water.
These energy sources do not pollute the environment, and they are renewable in nature. At MMK, we actively utilize electricity that is generated from sunlight.
- Solar Cell Rooftop: - We installed solar cells, as one of the renewable energy resources, on the roofs of the warehouse and the R&D laboratory’s building.
- Electric Vehicle Forklift: - We uses electric vehicle forklifts in our factory and warehouse to reduce the usage of non-renewable energy.

Waste Reduction and Recycling
Our company concerns about environmental responsibility and promotes sustainability through the implementation of comprehensive waste reduction and recycling practices.
We also reduce water consumption by reusing treated water and eliminating the landfilling of sludge from wastewater treatment systems.
- Initiating projects to compost food scraps in order to make the fertilizer
- Eliminating the landfilling of sludge from wastewater treatment systems and converting it to RDF (Refuse Derived Fuel). RDF is a fuel produced from various types of waste. The waste collected is shredded, dried, baled, and then burned to produce electricity.